Tuesday 2 October 2018

Battle of Manzikert : The beginning of an end

Battle of Manzikert (1071) was the first battle where the first time Byzantine power and prestige greatly lost. Seljuk Turks defeated Byzantine forces decisively. It was the turning point for both sides. After this battle Seljuk Turks became the most powerful faction in the region where as the influence of the Byzantine empire started decreasing rapidly.

Battle of Manzikert
Prelude : Before Manzikert the Byzantines and the Seljuk Turks met in few smaller battles. Where the Byzantine forces fought against small group of Seljuk raiders. After Romanos IV became the Byzantine emperor, he started gathering his forces to destroy the Seljuk threat forever. After getting the news about Seljuk Sultan Alp Arsalan's siege of Aleppo against the Fatimid rulers of Egypt, he marched towards Manzikert with his army of 100000 (Approx.) to take the city. He was planning further to take the Seljuk capital as well and destroy the Seljuk power in Anatolia. Alp Arsalan got the news of Byzantine movement towards Manzikert. So he lifted the siege and rushed towards it. He didn't take the direct route to Manzikert. He took a longer route around Lake Van where he was joined by 10000 more troops from Iran. His forces was around 30000 at that time. Romanos took Manzikert after a brief fighting. Then he divided his troop and sent 30000 men south to block a passage from where he thought the Seljuk attack would come. Alp Arsalan outsmarted him and reached the passage from north (Behind the Byzantine army) and surprised them. Then they spread the rumor about defeat of Byzantine forces in Manzikert so the 30000 troops returned to Constantinople without any fighting. After that Alp Arsalan turned his forces and went to meet Romanos.


The Battle : The battle started near Manzikert with numerical advantage to Romanov. He divided his forces in four groups. He deployed three with himself in center and one portion remained as reserve under Andronikos Doukas. After the battle began Byzantines advanced towards Seljuk line. Seljuk forces were cavalry heavy.  Most of their forces were nomadic horse archers. They harassed the advancing Byzantine forces by all means. Because of their speed the Byzantines failed to catch them. Because those three groups were separated vastly the communication broke. A portion of Seljuk force broke from the center and started encircling the Byzantine left flank. Andronikos Doukas, who was the in-charge of reserve force had a family feud with Romanos so he didn't reinforce the left flank and betrayed Romanos by leaving the battlefield with the reserve force. Romanos also were far away and failed to reinforce his left flank.  The Byzantine left totally destroyed. Reports said Romanos's banner fell in between and that started confusion in Byzantine line. His right flank started retreating after seeing that cause they thought emperor was dead. Romanos was now encircled from all sides. Though his bodyguards fought valiantly but by the evening they were crushed too. Romanos was captured and had to sign a humiliating treaty with Alp Arsalan. After that Alp Arsalan released him and he returned to Byzantine empire but that time Michael VII became the emperor. After a civil war Romanos was defeated and blinded. He soon died by that wound.

Manzikert (1071) 
Aftermath : Manzikert was the turning point for the Seljuk Turks. After that they became the main power in the region. Within a few decades they conquered most of Byzantine strongholds in Anatolia. Their rapid success alarmed the bell and Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos plead to Pope Urban II for help and the crusades began. For Byzantine side after this battle they lost the ability to stop the Seljuk expansion. Their power greatly diminished and they started losing territories rapidly. The Byzantine empire existed only by name but most of its territories were gone. The sacking of Constantinople by the crusading army in 1204 was the last nail in the coffin. Though it continued to exist until 1453 but it was only a shadow of its former glory. Ottoman Turks captured and end the Byzantine empire in 1453. 

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