Roman Legion was the best of their time and the time span was not short. Roman Empire was expanded through out Europe, Asia and Africa. It was undoubtedly the strongest and long lasted empire of history and that happened because of the strength of its legions. They were the backbone of roman war machine.
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Roman Legion |
Origin : The roman legion first formed after Marian Reform (107 BC). Before that roman army was consisted of four types of infantry units. Velites (The poorest citizens who couldn't afford shield or sword. So, relied on javelin. Mainly skirmisher unit), Hastati (Normal and poor class with little armor or weapon and shield), Principe (Upper class citizens with modest armor and weapons and shield) and Triarii (These men were elite roman infantry and veteran of war. Mainly from aristocratic families. They had the best equipment available). During the 2nd Punic War (2018-201 BC) this system suffered heavy losses by famous Carthaginian general Hannibal. Romans won that war but it was an wake up call for them. Finally, in 107 BC Gaius Marius, a statesman and general reformed the army. He formed the legions.
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Legion |
Structure : 100 men formed a century. 6 centuries formed 1 cohort and 10 cohorts formed 1 legion. One legion numbered 6000 men. Here 20% of those men were non combatants. So, one legion had 4800 soldiers and 1200 non combatants. Every century moved, drilled or camped like one unit. The numbers in legion varied from republican era to imperial era
Equipment : Roman legion was heavy infantry. Their main weapon was famous Gladius Sword, Pilum (Specially designed throwing spear) and Pugio or dagger. They also carried their rectangular signature shield Scatum. They used chainmail, plate armor and scale armor with the helmet Galea which can protect not only head but also neck and some portion of face.
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Scatum & Gladius |
Tactics : Their standard tactics was cavalry on the sides and two rows of five cohorts in front. After that light auxiliary forces and reserve units. They generally maintained three rows but could be switched to Tustudo or turtle formation to save themselves from arrows. In battle they first threw their pilums to disorganize their enemies. After that engaged the enemy in close combat. They used the rotation system in their rows so every soldier could fight and the effectiveness of the army increased.
Famous battles : The legions fought in many famous battles. Some of those are like the Caesar's campaign in Gaul (58-51 BC), Roman wars against Macedonia, Seleucid Empire, Pontus, Thrace etc. And most of the time the roman empire emerged victorious because of the strength and discipline of its legions. Though they also suffered defeats sometimes. Most notable of those was Battle of Teutoburg Forest (9 AD), where entire legion under Varus annihilated by the German tribes under Arminius.
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Tustudo Formation |
Conclusion : Roman legions were one of the key factors of the expansion and longevity of roman empire. After 3rd century AD the effectiveness of the legions started decreasing. That was one of the main reason of the collapsing of western roman empire in 476 AD. They are gone but their permanent effect in history last forever.
nice post