This title is little tricky. Does god exist ? In my eyes, yes. God exists. I may try to prove it also. Calm down, Calm down. Don't be so hyper. Let me explain.
What is the definition of god ? According to Wikipedia "God has been conceived as either personal or impersonal. In theism, God is the creator and sustainer of the universe, while in deism, God is the creator, but not the sustainer, of the universe. In pantheism, God is the universe itself."
So, we got an idea who or what can be called god. God is the creator. Who created this universe. Who created us and all living and non living things. What we are made of then ? We are made of the same thing which made the other things in universe. Atom is the smallest part of us but it is not solid. It is made of three little particles. Proton, Neutron & Electron. This trio is the main magician of creation. The element can be changed by adding or subtracting these particles. Like we know about Hydrogen. It is on no. 1 in periodic table. It has 1 proton and 1 electron.
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Hydrogen atom |
Now if you add 1 more proton, i more electron and 1 or 2 neutrons (Depends on the isotope) in that, you will get Helium. It is on No. 2 in periodic table.
Now when we add 1 more proton, 1 more electron and 2 or 3 neutrons (Again depends on the isotope) with it, we get Lithium. Which is on no.3 in periodic table and it is metal not gas like Hydrogen or Helium.
So, by addition and subtraction, these three particles can create everything in this known universe.
These three little magicians can create and sustain everything. Stars, planets, humans all are in this list. This trio is god. They create, they sustain, they destroy. Famous Astrophysicist Carl Sagan once said "We are made of star stuff". Absolutely True. Cause stars and us both made by these little magicians.
Humans made the image of god in their own reflection. By their inability to understand the magic of these little all powerful particles.
As we see in every religion god created us, god made this universe, god is preserver, god is all powerful. True it is. These are the gods.
I shared my view. The way I understand and think about god. I didn't try to create any controversy from religious angle. I just tried to find a scientific definition of god with my little knowledge and understanding. Please share your view in comment.
"These three little magicians can create and sustain everything. Stars, planets, humans all are in this list. This trio is god. They create, they sustain, they destroy."
ReplyDeleteThe way I see it, it's not these 3 but force that moves them. If you look from different aspect, human can find god in everything that he is unable to do or understand, an unreachable height.
I often ask myself if there will be a moment when god isn't needed anymore, when human reach that height, is that some peak or there is always more to know and to ask. What makes one human and what makes one god? If there is no god then at least it's nice to have some good ideals and goals to long for :)
If there is god then god is for some reason unable to appear before us, or maybe when god appear it will destroy current balance of things and reshape everything from scratch.
In my case, you can say that I was raised as ortodox christian, as much as it was possible in my country, but when latest patriarch Pavle died (,_Serbian_Patriarch), there was election of successor and it was then when I lost faith I guess, when I saw all those priests in black expensive cars coming to election and talking trash about their opponents. To cut it short, I believe I don't need another person or some holy building to be able to talk with god, god is inside of every of us and part of everything around us.
Yes from another aspect you can think like that but as we can see in ancient religions or most of them had trio of Gods who were the main among other gods. So, the number 3 is always an important number. And yes god is in everything. Thanks for sharing your opinion in this topic 😊