Jupiter. The king of planets of our solar system. It is really a king, Almost 1300 earths can fit inside Jupiter. It is so massive that almost three earths can fit inside its great red spot. This Jupiter is the savior of earth. It saved earth many times in the past. It is also saving us still now. The question is how ?
Do you remember Shoemaker Levy 9? That comet which collided with Jupiter in 1994. Though Jupiter didn't fill much by that collision but can you imagine what would happen if those collided with earth? Simple answer, we wouldn't exist after that collision. Jupiter prevented that by catching it with its huge gravitational pull. That removed the chance of hitting earth and its total destruction.
So, is Jupiter always so vigilant? Answer is no. It failed sometimes. The greatest example of its failure was 65 million years back. It failed to protect earth from that giant asteroid which hit earth and made that huge crater in Mexico. Dinosaurs paid the price by their life for that failure. But in most of the cases it guarded or should say still guarding earth very well and efficiently. Jupiter is important for intelligent life to evolve.
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Shoemaker Levy 9 on its collision course with Jupiter |
Nowadays, we are discovering many star systems with planets. Some of them are earth like and in habitable zones. So, we may assume life and if lucky intelligent life can be evolved on those planets. Well one of the conditions needed for intelligent life to sustain or evolve is presence of Jupiter like planet in that star system. If not then the chances are not so high. Recently Trappist-1 star system is made a huge impact on planet hunters and scientists. Seven planets orbiting a dwarf star and three of them are in habitable zone and earth like. But the problem is no Jupiter like planet is present there. So, we may find life in those planets in future but intelligent life ? Well I am not so optimistic.
The conclusion is Jupiter or Jupiter like planets are crucial for intelligent life. Whether it is for our solar system or any other star system.
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