Saturday 25 August 2018

The Great Flood : Myth or Real ?

   We all know about the great flood of old testament. How Noah saved humans and animals by building the ark. When it happened they boarded that ark and saved themselves from destruction.

Matsya Avatar of God Vishnu
Well you can find the similar story in Hinduism. Here Manu built a huge boat by command of god Vishnu. Vishnu himself incarnated as Matsya Avatar (A giant fish), one of his ten incarnations and saved the boat by piloting it to safety. This way Manu saved others.

Well the same story is present in Sumerian mythology. In Gilgamesh epic of Mesopotamia we find the same story of flood.

So, what is common in all these myths ? All mentioned a great flood which destroyed civilization. 

Is there any truth in flood myth ? Well last ice age ended nearly 12000 years ago. After that earth started warming up again and the ice started melting. Next scenario is very much common in our modern days. Because of our mass production of green house gas icebergs of Antarctica and Arctic are melting and sea level is rising. That also happened after last ice age and rising of sea level caused a great flood.

Black Sea
Modern Black Sea was only a lake 10000 years ago. After rising of sea level in Mediterranean Sea it overflowed and flooded that lake. That area is today's Black Sea. Scientists found proof of human settlements in the seabed of Black Sea. So, may be this myth originated from there.

Conclusion : Why this is common in so many mythologies ? Cause our ancestors witnessed that in the past. They all came from the same area. After the flood, people spreaded everywhere. Where ever they went they went with their mythology and myth. Now in time the religions and characters changed names but the story remained same. Because it was based on an actual event. That's why all mythologies were talking about the same event in similar manner. This is the proof, it was not myth. It was a real event of the distant past.

What do you think ? 

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