Thursday 16 August 2018

ISRO will send man to orbit in 2022

If everything goes well ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) will send a man to orbit in 2022. The name of this mission will be "Gaganyaan". The confirmation came from The Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi himself during his Independence Day speech in Red Fort on 15th August. If it happens successfully, India will be the fourth country in the world after USA, Russia and China to achieve that. This will be a challenge but ISRO is confident.

The man in space is nothing new. Yuri Gagarin was the first man of  former USSR did this long ago (1961). USA followed that With Alan Shepard in the same year. The International Space Station (ISS) is already orbiting earth with crew inside. China successfully sent man in orbit in 2003. Now its time for India.

Why this mission is important for India ? The reason is, this will be an Indigenous mission. The spacecraft, the rocket the crew all will be Indian. Though Indians or people of Indian origins already ventured in space before (Rakesh Sharma, Late Kalpana Chawla, Sunita Williams) but those were all programmed by USA or Russia. This one will be totally Indian mission. If this mission succeeds, it will be a giant leap of confidence and capability for ISRO. That will help its future manned mission to the moon.

The difference between sending an unmanned mission and a manned mission is totally different. Manned mission is much more difficult, complex and fragile. So, lets our fingers crossed and wait for 2022.            

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