Friday 10 August 2018

One India Concept : Colonial Blessing ?

  "India" The land of an ancient civilization with unique and rich culture. India started its journey as Indus Valley Civilization almost 5000 years ago. That time the united India concept was a dream. None ever thought or cared for that. That time India was full with small "Janapada" or city states. Every region had its own city state. A true empire did not exist until Magadha kingdom became strong and started conquering the neighbouring kingdoms. When Alexander the great invaded India, Magadha was already an empire under Nanda dynasty. After that Chandragupta Maurya founded the Mauryan empire centered in Magadha. Under Mauryans India became almost one (Only a few kingdoms in South India were left).

After that we had to wait for Mughals to unite India under their rule and they also almost succeeded to do that. After the fall of Mughal Empire India was still divided in regional powers. Then came the British East India Company in the scenario.

Britain was most successful and strongest colonial power at that time. There was a phrase "Sun never sets in British Empire" and it was true. They founded the empire all around the globe. India was the crowned jewel of their empire and they did which the others couldn't do. They gave Indians the one India dream. The other empires never gave Indians that unity which under British rule flourished. Under Mauryans or Mughals the regional powers always tried to break away from it in continous struggle. We can see that with all empires. When empire was strong these problems didn't arise but those were always beneath the surface. Whenever the empire became weak, these problems rose again and empire collapsed. That also happened with Mauryans and Mughals but not in this British empire in India. The regional powers were subdued in British rule and when the movements against British rule started the whole scenario changed. The struggle didn't start for any regional freedom but for the whole India. Here I must say Indian National Congress party and Mahatma Gandhi played a key role in favour of that one India dream. The movements for independence was for whole Indian Sub Continent and ultimately on 1947 India got its independence as a nation. Though British played their last card by dividing India into two nations on basis of religion but still the nation we have today as India was their doing. 

Why this one India concept succeeded under British rule is not clear but there may be some key factors. Such as :

1. Whenever outside forces invaded India they settled there and later mixed up with the people and became one of them. So, It was clear Indians didn't like to be ruled by other Indians but when the invader was totally outsider they started uniting themselves to oppose the outsider. Though this idea generally not true because if that happened then neither Alexander nor the Muslim rulers of Afghanistan could succeed to invade India but in case of British they actually never settled or mixed up with the population here. They treated India as their colony because they were colonial power and never mixed up with Indian tradition or culture. They were outsider and remained an outsider till the end of their rule. So, maybe this was the key factor which helped one India concept greatly.

2.  Indian National Congress and Mahatma Gandhi were another influential factor of this concept building. Both spoke and supported this concept from the beginning of their movement for independence. Which influenced people to rally for this dream.  

3. Technology played a part in this concept also. Telegraph, railroads all bound India strongly. At the days before railroads introduced in India only traders traveled from one region to other region for trade not the common people. With introduction of railroad common people could also travel from one region to other region in search for jobs and settled there. This way a cosmopolitan society built up in every regional capital. So, we are all Indians and we need our own country, this concept grew.

So, in my opinion, though colonization is horrible for the native people but sometimes or I may say only this time it played the key role to form this one India concept. "In oppression comes unity", heard that phrase somewhere. It seemed that phrase became true in this case. The British rule was bad in all aspects except this thing. That helped Indians to become a true Indian and build their own country united and strong.

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